Installation Instructions¶
Ubuntu Linux¶
If necessary, install Python’s ‘pip’ tool.
sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-pip
Make sure your system has OpenCL.
sudo apt install clinfo
If clinfo reports “Number of platforms” == 0, you must install a driver.
If you have an NVIDIA graphics card:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo apt update
sudo apt install nvidia-modprobe nvidia-384 nvidia-opencl-icd-384 libcuda1-384
If you have an AMD card, download the AMDGPU PRO driver and install according to AMD’s instructions.
Best practices for python include judicious usage of Virtualenv, and we certainly recommend creating one just for plaidml:
virtualenv plaidml-venv
source ./plaidml-venv/bin/activate
pip install -U plaidml-keras
Alternatively, install the PlaidML wheels system-wide:
sudo -H pip install -U plaidml-keras
Next, setup PlaidML to use your preferred computing device:
You can test your installation by running MobileNet in plaidbench: (Remember to use sudo -H if you’re not using a Virtualenv)
git clone
cd plaidbench
pip install -r requirements.txt
python mobilenet
You can adapt any Keras code by using the PlaidML backend instead of the TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano backend that you normally use.
Simply insert this code BEFORE you import keras
# Install the plaidml backend
import plaidml.keras