Source code for plaidml.op

# Copyright Vertex.AI.
The TILE standard operation library.

These operations have been shown to be useful across a variety of frameworks.
(Frameworks are of course free to define their own operations in addition to
these, although it'll be easier to use them with these if a framework's own
operations are defined using the standard :doc:`plaidml.tile` base classes.)

Each operation is defined as a ``tile.Operation`` subclass, allowing it to be
used in pattern matching.  Additionally, each operation is provided via a
top-level function that wraps the class, allowing composite operations to
be built up using a functional programming style.

See the `PlaidML Op Tutorial <>`_
for information about writing your own custom operations.

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

from collections import defaultdict
import functools

from enum import Enum
import plaidml
from plaidml import tile
import six

[docs]class AutoPadding(Enum): EXPLICIT = 1 VALID = 2 SAME_UPPER = 3
[docs]class ConvolutionDataFormat(Enum): CHANNELS_FIRST = 1
CHANNELS_LAST = 2 def _extend_pads(pads, rank): """Extends a padding list to match the necessary rank. Args: pads ([int] or None): The explicitly-provided padding list. rank (int): The rank of the operation. Returns: None: If pads is None [int]: The extended padding list. """ if pads is None: return pads pads = list(pads) if len(pads) < rank: pads.extend([0] * (rank - len(pads))) if len(pads) < (2 * rank): pads.extend(pads[len(pads) - rank:rank]) return pads
[docs]def pad_compute(sym, input_size, filter_size, stride, padding, pads=None): """Computes info for an axis of a padded filter. Args: sym (str): The symbol for the input axis. input_size (tile.Value or int): The size of the input axis (possibly symbolic). filter_size (int): The size of the filter along this axis. stride (int): The stride of the filter along this axis. padding (AutoPadding): The padding style to use. pads ((int, int) or None): Explicit pre- and post-padding for this axis. Returns: tuple(A string representing the output size as TILE code, The pre-padding to use when building input accessor expressions, A tile.Value representing the computed output size) """ if pads: num_out_size = (input_size + pads[0] + pads[1] - filter_size + stride) // stride sym_output_size = '({sym} + {pre} + {post} - {fs} + {s}) / {s}'.format( sym=sym, pre=pads[0], post=pads[1], fs=filter_size, s=stride) sym_padding_before = pads[0] elif padding == AutoPadding.VALID: num_out_size = (input_size - filter_size + stride) // stride sym_output_size = '({sym} - {fs} + {s}) / {s}'.format(sym=sym, fs=filter_size, s=stride) sym_padding_before = 0 elif padding == AutoPadding.SAME_UPPER or padding == AutoPadding.SAME_LOWER: num_out_size = (input_size + stride - 1) // stride sym_output_size = '({sym} + {s} - 1) / {s}'.format(sym=sym, s=stride) if padding == AutoPadding.SAME_UPPER: expr = '(max(0, ({symout} - 1) * {s} + {fs} - {syminp})) / 2' else: expr = '((max(0, ({symout} - 1) * {s} + {fs} - {syminp})) + 1) / 2' sym_padding_before = expr.format( symout=sym_output_size, s=stride, fs=filter_size, syminp=sym) else: raise Exception('Invalid padding: ' + str(padding)) if not isinstance(num_out_size, tile.Value) and num_out_size < 0: raise Exception( 'Invalid output size computed for convolution: num_out_size={}'.format(num_out_size))
return (sym_output_size, sym_padding_before, num_out_size) def _format_conv_strings( rank, in_shape, kernel_shape, strides, padding, data_format, dilation_rate, channelwise, forward=True, expected_output_shape=None, ): # Variable meanings: # N: Number of items in the batch # L<i>: Spatial dimension i of each (input) item # CI: Number of channels (aka filters) of each input item # LK<i>: Spatial dimension i of kernel # CO: Number of channels (aka filters) of each output item # C: Number of input channels in channelwise convolutions # M: Channel multiplier in channelwise convolutions (each input channel yields # M output channels for such convolutions) # # n: Which element of the batch we're on # x<i>: The ith coordinate in the output/image # k<i>: The ith coordinate in the kernel # ci: The input channel we're on # co: The output channel we're on # c: The input channel we're on for channelwise convolutions # m: The output channel multiplier we're on for output convolutions if data_format == ConvolutionDataFormat.CHANNELS_FIRST: n = 0 c = 1 l = [i + 2 for i in range(rank)] elif data_format == ConvolutionDataFormat.CHANNELS_LAST: n = 0 l = [i + 1 for i in range(rank)] c = rank + 1 else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized data format \'{}\''.format(data_format)) if channelwise == True and in_shape[c] != kernel_shape[-2]: raise ValueError( 'Channelwise convolution must have same number of channels in both input and kernel:\n' + '{} (from shape {}) v {} (from shape {})'.format(in_shape[c], in_shape, kernel_shape[-2], kernel_shape)) sym_out_shape = list() pad_amount = list() num_out_shape = list() for i in range(rank): if forward: sym_out, sym_pad, num_out = pad_compute('L{}'.format(i), in_shape[l[i]], dilation_rate[i] * (kernel_shape[i] - 1) + 1, strides[i], padding, None) else: sym_out, sym_pad, num_out = pad_compute('D{}'.format(i), in_shape[l[i]], dilation_rate[i] * (kernel_shape[i] - 1) + 1, strides[i], padding, None) sym_out_shape.append(sym_out) pad_amount.append(sym_pad) num_out_shape.append(num_out) if expected_output_shape is not None: # Confirm that the output shape is consistent with the rest of the convolution computed_output_shape = [0] * (rank + 2) computed_output_shape[n] = in_shape[n] computed_output_shape[c] = kernel_shape[-1] for i in range(rank): computed_output_shape[l[i]] = num_out_shape[i] for i in range(rank + 2): if (not isinstance(computed_output_shape[i], tile.Value) and not isinstance(expected_output_shape[i], tile.Value) and computed_output_shape[i] != expected_output_shape[i]): raise ValueError('Expected convolution output of shape {}, received {}'.format( expected_output_shape, computed_output_shape)) padding_list = ['Pad{} = {};'.format(i, pad_amount[i]) for i in range(rank)] padding_str = ''.join(p + '\n ' for p in padding_list) input_idx_list = [ '{s}*{x} + {d}*{k} - {p}'.format( s=strides[i], x='x{}'.format(i), d='{}'.format(dilation_rate[i]), k='k{}'.format(i), p='Pad{}'.format(i)) for i in range(rank) ] if data_format == ConvolutionDataFormat.CHANNELS_FIRST and not channelwise: if forward: input_dims_str = 'N, CI, ' + ', '.join(['L{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) out_dims_str = 'N, CO, ' + ', '.join( ['{}'.format(sym_out_shape[i]) for i in range(rank)]) outshape = [in_shape[0]] + [kernel_shape[-1]] + num_out_shape else: input_dims_str = 'N, CI, ' + ', '.join('D{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)) out_dims_str = 'N, CO, ' + ', '.join(['L{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) out_idx_str = 'n, co, ' + ', '.join(['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) input_idx_str = 'n, ci, ' + ', '.join(input_idx_list) elif data_format == ConvolutionDataFormat.CHANNELS_LAST and not channelwise: if forward: input_dims_str = 'N, ' + ', '.join(['L{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', CI' out_dims_str = 'N, ' + ', '.join(['{}'.format(sym_out_shape[i]) for i in range(rank)]) + ', CO' outshape = [in_shape[0]] + num_out_shape + [kernel_shape[-1]] else: input_dims_str = 'N, ' + ', '.join('D{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)) + ', CI' out_dims_str = 'N, ' + ', '.join(['L{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', CO' out_idx_str = 'n, ' + ', '.join(['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', co' input_idx_str = 'n, ' + ', '.join(input_idx_list) + ', ci' elif data_format == ConvolutionDataFormat.CHANNELS_FIRST and channelwise: if not forward: raise NotImplementedError('Channelwise transposed convolutions not implemented.') input_dims_str = 'N, C, ' + ', '.join(['L{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) out_idx_str = 'n, c*M + m, ' + ', '.join(['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) out_dims_str = 'N, C*M, ' + ', '.join(['{}'.format(sym_out_shape[i]) for i in range(rank)]) input_idx_str = 'n, c, ' + ', '.join(input_idx_list) outshape = [in_shape[0]] + [kernel_shape[-2] * kernel_shape[-1]] + num_out_shape elif data_format == ConvolutionDataFormat.CHANNELS_LAST and channelwise: if not forward: raise NotImplementedError('Channelwise transposed convolutions not implemented.') input_dims_str = 'N, ' + ', '.join(['L{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', C' out_idx_str = 'n, ' + ', '.join(['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', c*M + m' out_dims_str = 'N, ' + ', '.join(['{}'.format(sym_out_shape[i]) for i in range(rank)]) + ', C*M' input_idx_str = 'n, ' + ', '.join(input_idx_list) + ', c' outshape = [in_shape[0]] + num_out_shape + [kernel_shape[-2] * kernel_shape[-1]] else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized data format \'{}\''.format(data_format)) if channelwise: ker_dims_str = ', '.join(['LK{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', C, M' ker_idx_str = ', '.join(['k{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', c, m' else: ker_dims_str = ', '.join(['LK{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', CI, CO' ker_idx_str = ', '.join(['k{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) + ', ci, co' ret = { 'input_dims_str': input_dims_str, 'ker_dims_str': ker_dims_str, 'out_idx_str': out_idx_str, 'out_dims_str': out_dims_str, 'input_idx_str': input_idx_str, 'ker_idx_str': ker_idx_str, 'padding_str': padding_str } if forward: ret['outshape_tuple'] = outshape else: ret['dim_input'] = ', ' + ', '.join(['D{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]) return ret
[docs]class ArgMax(tile.Operation): """Maximum of elements along an axis. Builds a tensor whose elements are the maximum value on some axis of an input tensor. """ def __init__(self, value, axis=-1): self.axis = axis self.value = value
super(ArgMax, self).__init__(None, [('I', value)], [('O', value.shape)]) argmax = ArgMax.function
[docs]class AveragePool(tile.Operation): """ A standard ML average pooling operator. """ def __init__(self, data, kernel_shape, pads, strides, padding=AutoPadding.EXPLICIT): rank = data.shape.ndims - 2 pads = _extend_pads(pads, rank) if not strides: strides = tuple(1 for _ in range(rank)) elif len(strides) != rank: raise ValueError('Pool strides length inconsistent with input shape: ' + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format(strides, len(strides), data.shape, rank)) out_dims = ['N', 'C'] num_out_shape = list() in_idxs = list() for i in range(rank): sym_out, sym_pad, num_out = pad_compute('L{}'.format(i), data.shape.dims[i + 2], kernel_shape[i], strides[i], padding, (pads[i], pads[i + rank]) if pads else None) out_dims.append(sym_out) num_out_shape.append(num_out) in_idxs.append('{stride}*x{idx} + a{idx} - {pad}'.format( stride=strides[i], idx=i, pad=sym_pad)) out_idxs = ['n', 'c'] + ['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)] code = """ function (I[N, C, {in_dims}], One[]) -> (O) {{ Ones[{one_idxs} : {in_dims}] = =(One[]); Count[{cout_idxs}{cout_sep}{cout_dims}] = +(Ones[{in_idxs}]), {pool_bounds}; S[{out_idxs} : {out_dims}] = +(I[n, c, {in_idxs}]), {pool_bounds}; O = S / Count; }}""".format( out_idxs=', '.join(out_idxs), out_dims=', '.join(out_dims), cout_idxs=', '.join(out_idxs[2:]), cout_dims=', '.join(out_dims[2:]), cout_sep=' : ' if len(out_idxs) > 2 else '', one_idxs=', '.join(['o{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]), in_idxs=', '.join(in_idxs), in_dims=', '.join(['L{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]), pool_bounds=', '.join(['a{} < {}'.format(i, kernel_shape[i]) for i in range(rank)])) outshape = tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype, list(data.shape.dims[0:2]) + num_out_shape) super(AveragePool, self).__init__(
code, [('I', data), ('One', tile.Value.from_var(1., tuple()))], [('O', outshape)]) average_pool = AveragePool.function
[docs]class BinaryCrossentropy(tile.Operation): """ Computes the binary crossentropy of a value relative to a target. """ def __init__(self, target, output, epsilon, from_logits=False): if epsilon is None: epsilon = 0.0 if from_logits: output = sigmoid(output) output = clip(output, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon) input_sizes = ','.join(['I' + str(i) for i in range(output.shape.ndims)]) input_sizes_prod = '*'.join(['I' + str(i) for i in range(output.shape.ndims)]) f = """ function (O[{dims}], T[{dims}]) -> (R) {{ R = builtin_binary_crossentropy(O,T,{prod}); }}""".format( dims=input_sizes, prod=input_sizes_prod) super(BinaryCrossentropy, self).__init__(f, [('O', output), ('T', target)],
[('R', output.shape)]) binary_crossentropy = BinaryCrossentropy.function
[docs]class Cast(tile.Operation): def __init__(self, x, dtype): info = tile.DTYPE_INFOS[dtype] super(Cast, self).__init__('function (I) -> (O) {{ O = as_{}(I, {}); }}'.format(
info.base, info.bitwidth), [('I', x)], [('O', tile.Shape(dtype, x.shape.dims))]) cast = Cast.function
[docs]def ceiling(data): """Elementwise ceiling."""
return tile.unary_op(data, 'ceil(I)', 'Ceiling')
[docs]class ClipMin(tile.Operation): """Clips a Value to a minimum bound.""" def __init__(self, value, min_val): code = """ function (I, MIN_VAL) -> (O) { O = (MIN_VAL < I ? I : MIN_VAL); }""" super(ClipMin, self).__init__(code, [('I', value), ('MIN_VAL', min_val)],
[('O', value.shape)])
[docs]class ClipMax(tile.Operation): """Clips a Value to a maximum bound.""" def __init__(self, value, max_val): code = """ function (I, MAX_VAL) -> (O) { O = (I < MAX_VAL ? I : MAX_VAL); }""" super(ClipMax, self).__init__(code, [('I', value), ('MAX_VAL', max_val)],
[('O', value.shape)])
[docs]def clip(value, min_val, max_val): if min_val is not None: value = ClipMin.function(value, min_val) if max_val is not None: value = ClipMax.function(value, max_val)
return value
[docs]class Concatenate(tile.Operation): """Concatenates tensors to make a single larger tensor.""" def __init__(self, tensors, axis=-1): rank = tensors[0].shape.ndims if axis >= rank or axis < -rank: raise ValueError('Cannot concatenate tensors with {} dimensions along axis {}'.format( rank, axis)) elif axis < 0: axis = axis % rank def __clear_axis(dims): return [ None if isinstance(dims[i], tile.Value) else dims[i] for i in range(len(dims)) if i != axis ] shape_template = __clear_axis(tensors[0].shape.dims) for t in tensors: if __clear_axis(t.shape.dims) != shape_template: raise ValueError( 'Incompatible shapes: cannot concatenate along axis {}\n{} v {}'.format( axis, tensors[0].shape, t.shape)) offsets = [0] for i in range(len(tensors)): offsets.append(offsets[i] + tensors[i].shape.dims[axis]) out_dims = tuple( tensors[0].shape.dims[i] if i != axis else offsets[len(tensors)] for i in range(rank)) output_dims_list = ['N{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)] output_dims_list[axis] = offsets[len(tensors)] output_dims_str = ', '.join([str(i) for i in output_dims_list]) # output_dims_list also serves as a base for input dims, # with `axis` index to be overwritten by 'Ai' (i = input index) inputs_list = list() for i in range(len(tensors)): curr_input_dims = list(output_dims_list) # using 'list' here to make a copy curr_input_dims[axis] = 'A{}'.format(i) inputs_list.append('I{}[{}]'.format(i, ', '.join(curr_input_dims))) inputs_str = ', '.join(inputs_list) if axis == 0: indices_begin = 'a' else: indices_begin = ', '.join(['n{}'.format(i) for i in range(axis)]) + ', a' if axis == rank - 1: indices_end = '' else: indices_end = ', ' + ', '.join(['n{}'.format(i) for i in range(axis + 1, rank)]) body_str = '' line_subs = {'beg': indices_begin, 'end': indices_end, 'odims': output_dims_str} for i in range(len(tensors)): # TODO: If offsets[i] is symbolic, add it to the function # inputs and use it symbolically. line_subs['off'] = '+{}'.format(offsets[i]) line_subs['i'] = i curr_line = ' T{i}[{beg}{off}{end}: {odims}] = =(I{i}[{beg}{end}]);\n'.format( **line_subs) body_str += curr_line body_str += ' O = ' body_str += ' + '.join(['T{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(tensors))]) body_str += ';' # Example 'code' (concatenating (4,3,2), (4,5,2), (4,1,2)): # function (I0[N0, A0, N2], I1[N0, A1, N2], I2[N0, A2, N2]) -> (O) { # T0[n0, a, n2: N0, 9, N2] = =(I0[n0, a, n2]); # T1[n0, a+3, n2: N0, 9, N2] = =(I1[n0, a, n2]); # T2[n0, a+8, n2: N0, 9, N2] = =(I2[n0, a, n2]); # O = T0 + T1 + T2; # } code = ('function ({inputs}) -> (O) {{\n{body}\n}}').format( inputs=inputs_str, body=body_str, ) inputs_list = [] inputs_list.extend([('I{}'.format(i), tensors[i]) for i in range(len(tensors))]) super(Concatenate, self).__init__(code, inputs_list,
[('O', tile.Shape(tensors[0].shape.dtype, out_dims))]) concatenate = Concatenate.function
[docs]class Convolution(tile.Operation): """ A standard ML convolution operator. """ def __init__(self, data, kernel, strides=None, padding=AutoPadding.EXPLICIT, pads=None, group=1, kernel_shape=None, data_format=None, dilation_rate=None, channelwise=False): if group != 1: raise NotImplementedError('Grouped convolutions are not currently implemented') rank = data.shape.ndims - 2 if strides is None: strides = tuple(1 for _ in range(rank)) if dilation_rate is None: dilation_rate = tuple(1 for _ in range(rank)) if not kernel_shape: kernel_shape = kernel.shape.dims else: kernel_shape = tuple([kernel.shape.dims[0], kernel.shape.dims[1]] + list(kernel_shape)) for entry in dilation_rate: if not isinstance(entry, int) or entry <= 0: raise ValueError('Invalid dilation_rate: {}'.format(dilation_rate)) if len(kernel_shape) != rank + 2: raise ValueError('Convolution kernel shape inconsistent with input shape: ' + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format( kernel_shape, len(kernel_shape) - 2, data.shape, data.shape.ndims - 2)) if len(strides) != rank: raise ValueError('Convolution strides length inconsistent with input shape: ' + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format( strides, len(strides), data.shape, data.shape.ndims - 2)) if len(dilation_rate) != rank: raise ValueError('Convolution dilation_rate length inconsistent with input shape: ' + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format(dilation_rate, len(dilation_rate), data.shape, data.shape.ndims - 2)) conv_strs = _format_conv_strings(rank, data.shape.dims, kernel_shape, strides, padding, data_format, dilation_rate, channelwise) code = """ function (I[{input_dims_str}], K[{ker_dims_str}]) -> (O) {{ {padding_str}O[{out_idx_str} : {out_dims_str}] = +(I[{input_idx_str}]*K[{ker_idx_str}]); }}""".format(**conv_strs) outshape = tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype, conv_strs['outshape_tuple']) super(Convolution, self).__init__( code, [('I', data), ('K', kernel)], [('O', outshape)],
name='Convolution-{}d'.format(rank)) convolution = Convolution.function
[docs]class ConvolutionTranspose(tile.Operation): """ A transposed convolution operator. """ def __init__(self, x, kernel, output_shape, strides, padding, data_format): rank = x.shape.ndims - 2 if kernel.shape.ndims != rank + 2: raise ValueError('Transpose convolution kernel shape inconsistent with input shape: ' + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format( kernel.shape, kernel.shape.ndims - 2, x.shape, x.shape.ndims - 2)) if len(output_shape) != rank + 2: raise ValueError('Transpose convolution output_shape inconsistent with input shape: ' + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format( output_shape, len(output_shape) - 2, x.shape, x.shape.ndims - 2)) if len(strides) != rank: raise ValueError('Transpose convolution strides inconsistent with input shape: ' + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format( strides, len(strides), x.shape, x.shape.ndims - 2)) if (x.shape.dims[0] != output_shape[0] and isinstance(x.shape.dims[0], six.integer_types) and isinstance(output_shape[0], six.integer_types)): raise ValueError('Transpose convolution batch size inconsistent between input ' + 'and output: {} v {}'.format(x.shape.dims[0], output_shape[0])) conv_strs = _format_conv_strings(rank, output_shape, kernel.shape.dims, strides, padding, data_format, (1,) * rank, False, False, x.shape.dims) f = """ function (O[{out_dims_str}], K[{ker_dims_str}]{dim_input}) -> (I) {{ {padding_str} I[{input_idx_str} : {input_dims_str}] = +(O[{out_idx_str}]*K[{ker_idx_str}]); }}""".format(**conv_strs) # Output shape may be dynamic, so pass its sizes as inputs to Tile if data_format == ConvolutionDataFormat.CHANNELS_FIRST: l = [i + 2 for i in range(rank)] elif data_format == ConvolutionDataFormat.CHANNELS_LAST: l = [i + 1 for i in range(rank)] else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized data format \'{}\''.format(data_format)) input_tensors = [('O', x), ('K', kernel)] + \ [('D{}'.format(i), output_shape[l[i]]) for i in range(rank)] super(ConvolutionTranspose, self).__init__( f, input_tensors, [('I', tile.Shape(x.shape.dtype, tuple(output_shape)))],
name='ConvolutionTranspose-{}d'.format(rank)) convolution_transpose = ConvolutionTranspose.function
[docs]def cos(data): """Elementwise cosine."""
return tile.unary_op(data, 'cos(I)', 'Cosine')
[docs]class CumulativeSum(tile.Operation): """Cumulative sum of a tensor""" def __init__(self, x, axis=0): ranges = ', '.join(['N{}'.format(n) for n in range(x.shape.ndims)]) dest_idxs = ', '.join(['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(x.shape.ndims)]) src_idxs = ['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(x.shape.ndims)] src_idxs[axis] += ' - k' src_idxs = ', '.join(src_idxs) f = """ function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{ O[{dest_idxs}: {dest_ranges}] = +(I[{src_idxs}]), k < N{ax}; }}""".format( src_ranges=ranges, dest_idxs=dest_idxs, dest_ranges=ranges, src_idxs=src_idxs, ax=axis)
super(CumulativeSum, self).__init__(f, [('I', x)], [('O', x.shape)]) cumulative_sum = CumulativeSum.function
[docs]class Dot(tile.Operation): """Dot-product of two tensors.""" def __init__(self, x, y): if x.shape.dtype != y.shape.dtype: raise ValueError( 'Invalid dtype in multiplication: x.dtype=\'{}\', y.dtype=\'{}\''.format( x.shape.dtype, y.shape.dtype)) if x.shape.ndims == 1 and y.shape.ndims == 1: f = 'function (X[I], Y[I]) -> (R) { R[i:I] = +(X[i] * Y[i]); }' shape = x.shape elif 1 <= x.shape.ndims and 2 <= y.shape.ndims: f = """function(X[{x_ranges}], Y[{y_ranges}]) -> (R) {{ R[{dest_indices} : {dest_ranges}] = +(X[{x_indices}] * Y[{y_indices}]); }}""".format( x_ranges=', '.join(['X{}'.format(i) for i in range(x.shape.ndims)]), y_ranges=', '.join(['Y{}'.format(i) for i in range(y.shape.ndims)]), dest_indices=', '.join(['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(x.shape.ndims - 1)] + [ 'y{}'.format(i) for i in (list(range(y.shape.ndims - 2)) + [y.shape.ndims - 1]) ]), dest_ranges=', '.join(['X{}'.format(i) for i in range(x.shape.ndims - 1)] + [ 'Y{}'.format(i) for i in (list(range(y.shape.ndims - 2)) + [y.shape.ndims - 1]) ]), x_indices=', '.join(['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(x.shape.ndims - 1)] + ['z']), y_indices=', '.join(['y{}'.format(i) for i in range(y.shape.ndims - 2)] + ['z'] + ['y{}'.format(y.shape.ndims - 1)])) shape = tile.Shape( x.shape.dtype, (list(x.shape.dims[:-1]) + list(y.shape.dims[:-2]) + [y.shape.dims[-1]])) else: raise NotImplementedError('Implement dot when x.dims={} and y.dims={}'.format( x.shape.dims, y.shape.dims))
super(Dot, self).__init__(f, [('X', x), ('Y', y)], [('R', shape)]) dot = Dot.function
[docs]class Elu(tile.Operation): """Exponential linear unit.""" def __init__(self, x, alpha=1.0): if alpha == 1: code = """ function (X) -> (R) { A = exp(X)-1; R = (X < 0 ? A : X); }""" else: code = """ function (X) -> (R) {{ A = {alpha}*exp(X) - {alpha}; R = X < 0 ? A : X; }}""".format(alpha=alpha)
super(Elu, self).__init__(code, [('X', x)], [('R', x.shape)]) elu = Elu.function
[docs]class Equal(tile.Operation): """Elementwise tensor equality. Builds a boolean tensor whose values are true where the corresponding elements of the inputs are equal. """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs): self.lhs = lhs self.rhs = rhs if isinstance(rhs, tile.Value): shape = tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN, tile.broadcast_dims(lhs.shape.dims, rhs.shape.dims)) super(Equal, self).__init__('function (L, R) -> (O) { O = (L == R); }', [('L', lhs), ('R', rhs)], [('O', shape)]) else: shape = tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN, lhs.shape.dims) super(Equal, self).__init__('function (L) -> (O) {{ O = (L == {}); }}'.format(rhs),
[('L', lhs)], [('O', shape)])
[docs]class Equal_ArgMax(tile.Operation): def __init__(self, lhs, rhs): lmax = ismax(lhs.source.op.value, axes=(lhs.source.op.axis,)) rmax = ismax(rhs.source.op.value, axes=(rhs.source.op.axis,)) and_shape = tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.INT32, tile.broadcast_dims(lmax.shape.dims, rmax.shape.dims)) and_op = tile.Operation('function (L, R) -> (O) { O = L ? (R ? 1 : 0) : 0; }', [('L', lmax), ('R', rmax)], [('O', and_shape)]) sum_val = summation(and_op.output_tuple[0], axes=(lhs.source.op.axis,), keepdims=True) eq_shape = tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN, sum_val.shape.dims) super(Equal_ArgMax, self).__init__('function (I) -> (O) { O = 0 < I; }', [('I', sum_val)],
[('O', eq_shape)])
[docs]def equal(lhs, rhs): """Elementwise tensor equality. Builds a boolean tensor whose values are true when the corresponding elements of the inputs are equal. Args: lhs (tile.Value): The left-hand side rhs (tile.Value): The right-hand side Returns: tile.Value: The output value """ # TODO: Separate function builders from optimization/composition logic. # # Putting the composition logic in functions like this makes it a little hard for # higher-layer modules to add their own compositions -- think eq(MySpecialOp, MySpecialOp), # when some completely unrelated module is invoking the eq. It would be better to have # something like a rewriter registry that could be consulted to match patterns during binding. if (lhs.source and isinstance(lhs.source.op, ArgMax) and rhs.source and isinstance(rhs.source.op, ArgMax)): return Equal_ArgMax.function(lhs, rhs)
return Equal.function(lhs, rhs)
[docs]def exp(data): """Elementwise exponential."""
return tile.unary_op(data, 'exp(I)', 'Exp')
[docs]class Flatten(tile.Operation): """ Flattens a tensor to a one-dimensional value. """ def __init__(self, data): in_dim_list = ['N{}'.format(i) for i in range(data.shape.ndims)] out_dim_list = ['*'.join(['N{}'.format(i) for i in range(data.shape.ndims)])] new_size = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, data.shape.dims) code = 'function (I[{idims}]) -> (O) {{ O = reshape(I, {odims}); }}'.format( idims=', '.join(in_dim_list), odims=', '.join(out_dim_list)) super(Flatten, self).__init__(code, [('I', data)],
[('O', tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype, (new_size,)))]) flatten = Flatten.function
[docs]def floor(data): """Elementwise floor."""
return tile.unary_op(data, 'floor(I)', 'Floor')
[docs]class Gather(tile.Operation): """ Gathers elements of a tensor. """ def __init__(self, value, indicies): outshape = tile.Shape(value.shape.dtype, list(indicies.shape.dims) + list(value.shape.dims[1:])) super(Gather, self).__init__('function (V, I) -> (O) { O = gather(V, I); }',
[('V', value), ('I', indicies)], [('O', outshape)]) gather = Gather.function
[docs]class Gemm(tile.Operation): """ Implements a general matrix multiplication. """ def __init__(self, a, b, c, alpha=None, beta=None, broadcast=True, transA=False, transB=False): if broadcast: if c.shape.ndims != 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'Gemm with multiplier broadcast requires a one-dimensional scalar multiplier; multiplier rank={}'. format(c.shape.ndims)) elif c.shape.ndims != 2: raise NotImplementedError( 'Gemm without multiplier broadcast requires a two-dimensional scalar multiplier; multiplier rank={}'. format(c.shape.ndims)) def gemm_reshape(value): if value.shape.ndims < 2: raise tile.LogicError( 'Invalid Gemm input; two-dimensions required, got: {}'.format(value.shape)) if value.shape.ndims == 2: return value newdims = (value.shape.dims[0], functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, value.shape.dims[1:])) return reshape(value, newdims) a = gemm_reshape(a) b = gemm_reshape(b) code = """ function (A[{a_dims}], B[{b_dims}], C[{c_dims}]) -> (O) {{ OM[row, col : ROW, COL] = +(A[{a_idxs}] * B[{b_idxs}]); OA = {alpha_expr}; CB = {beta_expr}; O = OA + CB; }}""".format( a_dims='MID, ROW' if transA else 'ROW, MID', b_dims='COL, MID' if transB else 'COL, MID', c_dims='ROW, COL' if c.shape.ndims == 2 else 'COL', a_idxs='mid, row' if transA else 'row, mid', b_idxs='col, mid' if transB else 'col, mid', alpha_expr='OM * {}'.format(alpha) if alpha else 'OM', beta_expr='C * {}'.format(beta) if beta else 'C', ) outshape = tile.Shape( tile.common_dtype(a.shape.dtype, b.shape.dtype, c.shape.dtype), tile.broadcast_dims(( a.shape.dims[1] if transA else a.shape.dims[0], b.shape.dims[0] if transB else a.shape.dims[1], ), c.shape.dims))
super(Gemm, self).__init__(code, [('A', a), ('B', b), ('C', c)], [('O', outshape)]) gemm = Gemm.function
[docs]class Gradients(tile.Operation): """ Compute the gradients of a loss with respect to a set of values """ def __init__(self, loss, variables): super(Gradients, self).__init__(None, [('Loss', loss)] + [('I' + str(i), variables[i]) for i in range(len(variables))], [('O' + str(i), variables[i].shape) for i in range(len(variables))]) self.num_vars = len(variables) def bind(self, bindings): loss_var = self.inputs['Loss'].bind(bindings) input_vars = [self.inputs['I' + str(i)].bind(bindings) for i in range(self.num_vars)] output_vars = plaidml.gradients(loss_var, input_vars) outputs = {} for i in range(self.num_vars): outputs['O' + str(i)] = output_vars[i]
return outputs
[docs]def gradients(loss, variables): if isinstance(variables, tile.Value): variables = [variables] op = Gradients(loss, variables) outs = [] for i in range(len(op.outputs)): outs.append(op.outputs['O' + str(i)])
return outs
[docs]class Hardmax(tile.Operation): """ Implements a standard ML hardmax. """ def __init__(self, data): if data.shape.ndims != 2: raise NotImplementedError( 'Hardmax with a non-two-dimensional tensor is not currently implemented') code = """ function (I[X, Y]) -> (O) { MAXX[x : X] = >(I[x, y]); MAX[x, y : X, Y] = =(MAXX[x]); O = (MAX == I ? 1.0 : 0.0); }"""
super(Hardmax, self).__init__(code, [('I', data)], [('O', data.shape)])
[docs]def hardmax(x, axis=None): if x.shape.ndims == 2: return Hardmax.function(x) if axis is None: axis = 1 full_dims = x.shape.dims if axis == 0: group = 1 else: group = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, x.shape.dims[:axis]) if axis == len(x.shape.dims): values = 1 else: values = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, x.shape.dims[axis:]) flat_x = reshape(x, (group, values)) result = Hardmax.function(flat_x)
return reshape(result, full_dims)
[docs]class Identity(tile.Operation): """A simple identity operation.""" def __init__(self, x): super(Identity, self).__init__('function (X) -> (Y) { Y = X; }', [('X', x)],
[('Y', x.shape)]) identity = Identity.function
[docs]class IsMax(tile.Operation): """ True iff an input's value is the maximum along some set of axes. """ def __init__(self, value, axes): dims, _, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(value.shape.dims, axes, True) code = """function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{ MAX[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = >(I[{src_indices}]); O = (MAX == I); }}""".format(**subs) super(IsMax, self).__init__(code, [('I', value)],
[('O', tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN, dims))]) ismax = IsMax.function
[docs]def log(data): """Elementwise logarithm."""
return tile.unary_op(data, 'log(I)', 'Log')
[docs]class LogSoftmax(tile.Operation): """ Implements the log() of a standard ML softmax. """ def __init__(self, data): if data.shape.ndims != 2: raise NotImplementedError( 'LogSoftmax with a non-two-dimensional tensor is not currently implemented') code = """ function (I[X, Y]) -> (O) { O = builtin_logsoftmax(I, X, Y); }"""
super(LogSoftmax, self).__init__(code, [('I', data)], [('O', data.shape)])
[docs]def log_softmax(x, axis=None): if x.shape.ndims == 2: return LogSoftmax.function(x) if axis is None: axis = 1 full_dims = x.shape.dims if axis == 0: group = 1 else: group = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, x.shape.dims[:axis]) if axis == len(x.shape.dims): values = 1 else: values = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, x.shape.dims[axis:]) flat_x = reshape(x, (group, values)) result = LogSoftmax.function(flat_x)
return reshape(result, full_dims)
[docs]class MatMul(tile.Operation): """ A matrix multiplication, using numpy semantics. See for details. """ def __init__(self, a, b): # So, for matmul, we have identity dimensions (which remain the same # in the output tensor), and summation dimensions (which are # eliminated in the output tensor). We call these I{1,2,...} and S. # # The matrix multiplication and summation takes place on the low two dimensions. # If either input is one-dimensional, that's its summation dimension. # Otherwise, A's summation dimension is the lowest dimension, and B's summation # dimension is its second-to-lowest. # # Naturally, there can be broadcasting involved; corresponding dimensions # must be broadcast-compatible. a_ndims = a.shape.ndims b_ndims = b.shape.ndims if a_ndims == 0 or b_ndims == 0: raise NotImplementedError('MatMul isn\'t defined over scalar values') if a_ndims == 1: if b_ndims == 1: # Both A and B are one dimensional; C is a scalar. # A's dims are [S] # B's dims are [S] # C's dims are [] c_dims = tuple() a_ranges = ['S'] a_indicies = ['s'] b_ranges = ['S'] b_indicies = ['s'] c_ranges = [] c_indicies = [] else: # A is one-dimensional, but B is not: # A's dims are [S] # B's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, S, IN-1] # C's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-1] c_shape = tuple(b.dims[:-2] + b.dims[-1]) a_ranges = ['S'] a_indicies = ['s'] b_ranges = (['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2)] + ['S', 'I{}'.format(b_ndims - 1)]) b_indicies = (['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2)] + ['s', 'i{}'.format(b_ndims - 1)]) c_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2) + [b_ndims - 1]] c_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2) + [b_ndims - 1]] else: if b_ndims == 1: # B is one-dimensional, but A is not: # A's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-2, S] # B's dims are [S] # C's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-2] c_dims = tuple(a.shape.dims[:-1]) a_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] + ['S'] a_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] + ['s'] b_ranges = ['S'] b_indicies = ['s'] c_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] c_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] else: # Both tensors have more than one dimension. # A's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-2, S] # B's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, S, IN-1] # C's dims are [I0, I1... IN-3, IN-2, IN-1]. c_dims = tuple( list(tile.broadcast_dims(a.shape.dims[:-2], b.shape.dims[:-2])) + [a.shape.dims[-2], b.shape.dims[-1]]) a_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] + ['S'] a_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(a_ndims - 1)] + ['s'] b_ranges = (['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2)] + ['S', 'I{}'.format(b_ndims - 1)]) b_indicies = (['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(b_ndims - 2)] + ['s', 'i{}'.format(b_ndims - 1)]) c_ranges = ['I{}'.format(n) for n in range(len(c_dims))] c_indicies = ['i{}'.format(n) for n in range(len(c_dims))] func = """function(A[{a_ranges}], B[{b_ranges}]) -> (C) {{ C[{c_indicies} : {c_ranges}] = +(A[{a_indicies}] * B[{b_indicies}]); }}""".format( a_ranges=', '.join(a_ranges), a_indicies=', '.join(a_indicies), b_ranges=', '.join(b_ranges), b_indicies=', '.join(b_indicies), c_ranges=', '.join(c_ranges), c_indicies=', '.join(c_indicies)) c_shape = tile.Shape(tile.common_dtype(a.shape.dtype, b.shape.dtype), c_dims)
super(MatMul, self).__init__(func, [('A', a), ('B', b)], [('C', c_shape)]) matmul = MatMul.function
[docs]class MaxReduce(tile.Operation): """Computes the maximum value along some set of axes.""" def __init__(self, x, axes=None, keepdims=False): if axes == None: axes = list(range(x.shape.ndims)) shape, axes, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(x.shape.dims, axes, keepdims) f = """function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{ O[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = >(I[{src_indices}]); }}""".format(**subs)
super(MaxReduce, self).__init__(f, [('I', x)], [('O', tile.Shape(x.shape.dtype, shape))])
[docs]def max_reduce(x, axes=None, keepdims=False): if not x.shape.ndims: return x if isinstance(axes, (tuple, list)) and not len(axes): # Do nothing if max'ing over an empty axis list return x
return MaxReduce.function(x, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims) maximum = tile.maximum
[docs]class MaxPool(tile.Operation): """ A standard ML max pooling operator. """ def __init__(self, data, padding, kernel_shape, pads, strides): rank = data.shape.ndims - 2 pads = _extend_pads(pads, rank) if not strides: strides = tuple(1 for _ in range(rank)) elif len(strides) != rank: raise ValueError('Pool strides length inconsistent with input shape: ' + '{} (rank {}) v {} (rank {})'.format(strides, len(strides), data.shape, rank)) sym_out_shape = list() num_out_shape = list() in_idxs = list() for i in range(rank): sym_out, sym_pad, num_out = pad_compute('L{}'.format(i), data.shape.dims[i + 2], kernel_shape[i], strides[i], padding, (pads[i], pads[i + rank]) if pads else None) sym_out_shape.append(sym_out) num_out_shape.append(num_out) in_idxs.append('{stride}*x{idx} + k{idx} - {pad}'.format( stride=strides[i], idx=i, pad=sym_pad)) code = """ function (I[N, C, {in_dims}]) -> (O) {{ O[n, c, {out_idxs} : N, C, {out_dims}] = >(I[n, c, {in_idxs}]), {pool_bounds}; }}""".format( out_idxs=', '.join(['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]), out_dims=', '.join(sym_out_shape), in_idxs=', '.join(in_idxs), in_dims=', '.join(['L{}'.format(i) for i in range(rank)]), pool_bounds=', '.join(['k{} < {}'.format(i, kernel_shape[i]) for i in range(rank)])) outshape = tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype, list(data.shape.dims[0:2]) + num_out_shape)
super(MaxPool, self).__init__(code, [('I', data)], [('O', outshape)]) max_pool = MaxPool.function
[docs]class Mean(tile.Operation): """Computes the mean value along some set of axes.""" def __init__(self, x, axes=None, keepdims=False, floatx=plaidml.DType.FLOAT32): if x.shape.dtype == plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN: x = cast(x, floatx) if axes == None: axes = list(range(x.shape.ndims)) shape, axes, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(x.shape.dims, axes, keepdims) subs['mean_ranges'] = '*'.join(['X' + str(i) for i in axes]) f = """ function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{ SO[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = +(I[{src_indices}]); O = SO / ({mean_ranges}); }}""".format(**subs)
super(Mean, self).__init__(f, [('I', x)], [('O', tile.Shape(x.shape.dtype, shape))])
[docs]def mean(x, axes=None, keepdims=False, floatx=plaidml.DType.FLOAT32): if not x.shape.ndims: return x if isinstance(axes, (tuple, list)) and not len(axes): # We're taking the mean across an empty axis list. # Keras sometimes does this when squeezing a matrix that doesn't need # to be squeezed. return x
return Mean.function(x, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims, floatx=floatx)
[docs]class MinReduce(tile.Operation): """Computes the minimum value along some set of axes.""" def __init__(self, x, axes=None, keepdims=False): if axes == None: axes = list(range(x.shape.ndims)) shape, axes, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(x.shape.dims, axes, keepdims) f = """function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{ O[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = <(I[{src_indices}]); }}""".format(**subs)
super(MinReduce, self).__init__(f, [('I', x)], [('O', tile.Shape(x.shape.dtype, shape))])
[docs]def min_reduce(x, axes=None, keepdims=False): if not x.shape.ndims: return x if isinstance(axes, (tuple, list)) and not len(axes): # Do nothing if min'ing over an empty axis list return x
return MinReduce.function(x, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims) minimum = tile.minimum
[docs]class NotEqual(tile.Operation): """Elementwise tensor inequality. Builds a boolean tensor whose values are true where the corresponding elements of the inputs are not equal. """ def __init__(self, lhs, rhs): self.lhs = lhs self.rhs = rhs if isinstance(rhs, tile.Value): shape = tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN, tile.broadcast_dims(lhs.shape.dims, rhs.shape.dims)) super(NotEqual, self).__init__('function (L, R) -> (O) { O = (L != R); }', [('L', lhs), ('R', rhs)], [('O', shape)]) else: shape = tile.Shape(plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN, lhs.shape.dims) super(NotEqual, self).__init__('function (L) -> (O) {{ O = (L != {}); }}'.format(rhs),
[('L', lhs)], [('O', shape)]) not_equal = NotEqual.function
[docs]class Pow(tile.Operation): """An elementwise pow() function.""" def __init__(self, x, p): super(Pow, self).__init__('function (I, P) -> (O) { O = pow(I, P); }',
[('I', x), ('P', p)], [('O', x.shape)]) pow = Pow.function
[docs]class Prod(tile.Operation): def __init__(self, value, axes=None, keepdims=False, floatx=plaidml.DType.FLOAT32): if value.shape.dtype == plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN: value = cast(value, floatx) if axes is None: axes = list(range(value.shape.ndims)) dims, _, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(value.shape.dims, axes, keepdims) code = """ function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{ O[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = *(I[{src_indices}]); }}""".format(**subs) super(Prod, self).__init__(code, [('I', value)],
[('O', tile.Shape(value.shape.dtype, dims))])
[docs]def prod(value, axes=None, keepdims=False, floatx=plaidml.DType.FLOAT32): if not value.shape.ndims: return value if isinstance(axes, (tuple, list)) and not len(axes): # We're taking the product across an empty axis list. return value
return Prod.function(value, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims, floatx=floatx)
[docs]class Relu(tile.Operation): """A Rectified Linear Unit.""" def __init__(self, x, alpha=None, max_value=None): if (alpha is not None) and (max_value is not None): # Alpha with a max_value; cap a hand-coded relu. code = """ function (X, Alpha, MaxValue) -> (Y) { M = (X < 0.0 ? Alpha*X : X); Y = (M < MaxValue ? M : MaxValue); }""" elif alpha is not None: # Alpha with no max_value; use a hand-coded relu. code = 'function (X, Alpha) -> (Y) { Y = (X < 0 ? Alpha*X : X); }' elif max_value is not None: # No alpha, but a max_value; cap the builtin relu. code = """ function (X, MaxValue) -> (Y) { M = (X < 0.0 ? 0.0 : X); Y = (M < MaxValue ? M : MaxValue); }""" else: # Neither alpha nor max_value; use the builtin relu. code = 'function (X) -> (Y) { Y = relu(X); }' inputs = [('X', x)] if alpha is not None: inputs.append(('Alpha', alpha)) if max_value is not None: inputs.append(('MaxValue', max_value))
super(Relu, self).__init__(code, inputs, [('Y', x.shape)]) relu = Relu.function
[docs]class Reshape(tile.Operation): """ Reshapes a tensor, without changing the type or number of elements. """ def __init__(self, x, dims): dims = list(dims) neg_idx = None for idx, dim in enumerate(dims): if isinstance(dim, tile.Value): continue if dim == 0 or dim is None: dims[idx] = x.shape.dims[idx] elif dim == -1: if neg_idx: raise tile.LogicError( 'At most one dimension of size -1 may be provided in Reshape') neg_idx = idx dims[idx] = 1 # Just to simplify the size computation later if neg_idx is not None: # Compute the value to use for the -1 dimension in the # output shape, by making it what it needs to be in order # to preserve the correct number of elements in the # tensor. # # This code is a little tricky because symbolic values # (e.g. the batch size in a typical neural network) may # appear in both the original shape and the target shape. # Naively multiplying the original shape's dimensions and # dividing by the target shape's dimensions (excluding the # -1 dimension) would produce a symbolic value. # # So: # # We scan the input dimensions, counting the number of # instances of each symbolic size encountered and # multiplying together the non-symbolic sizes into the # numerator. # # We then scan the output dimensions. Where there's a # symbolic size, we check and see if we have a count for # it, and decrement the count if we do. Otherwise -- if # we don't have a count for it, or if it's not symbolic -- # we multiply it into the denominator. # # We then take the remaining symbolic input dimensions, # and multiply them into the numerator -- these are the # dimensions that haven't been cancelled out. # # And then the size of the -1 dimension is just numerator # / denominator; if there are any remaining uncancelled # symbolic dimension sizes, the output will be symbolic, # but otherwise we'll come out with a concrete dimension # size. num = 1 syms = defaultdict(int) for dim in x.shape.dims: if isinstance(dim, tile.Value): syms[dim] += 1 else: num *= dim den = 1 for dim in dims: if isinstance(dim, tile.Value) and syms[dim] > 0: syms[dim] -= 1 else: den *= dim for sym, count in syms.items(): for _ in range(count): num *= sym dims[neg_idx] = num // den inputs = [('I', x)] dstrs = list(dims) for idx, dim in enumerate(dstrs): if isinstance(dim, tile.Value): dname = 'D{}'.format(idx) inputs.append((dname, dim)) dstrs[idx] = dname super(Reshape, self).__init__('function ({}) -> (O) {{ O = reshape(I, {}); }}'.format( ', '.join(inp[0] for inp in inputs), ', '.join([str(d) for d in dstrs])), inputs,
[('O', tile.Shape(x.shape.dtype, dims))]) reshape = Reshape.function ShapeOf = tile.ShapeOf shape_of = tile.shape_of
[docs]def sigmoid(data): """Elementwise sigmoid."""
return tile.unary_op(data, 'sigmoid(I)', 'Sigmoid')
[docs]def sin(data): """Elementwise sine."""
return tile.unary_op(data, 'sin(I)', 'Sine')
[docs]class SliceTensor(tile.Operation): """ Implements tensor slicing. """ def __init__(self, data, axes=None, ends=None, starts=None): if not ends or not starts: raise tile.LogicError('Slice requires starts and ends to be set') if len(starts) != len(ends): raise tile.LogicError('Slice requires starts and ends for all sliced axes') if not axes: axes = range(len(starts)) in_dims = ['D{}'.format(d) for d in range(data.shape.ndims)] out_dims = list(in_dims) in_idxs = ['d{}'.format(d) for d in range(data.shape.ndims)] out_idxs = list(in_idxs) shape_dims = list(data.shape.dims) for axis, start, end in zip(axes, starts, ends): clamped_end = tile.minimum(end, data.shape.dims[axis]) clamped_start = tile.minimum(start, data.shape.dims[axis]) if isinstance(clamped_start, tile.Value): clamped_start_str = 'min({}, D{})'.format(start, axis) else: clamped_start_str = str(clamped_start) if isinstance(clamped_end, tile.Value): clamped_end_str = 'min({}, D{})'.format(end, axis) else: clamped_end_str = str(clamped_end) delta = clamped_end - clamped_start if isinstance(clamped_end, tile.Value) or isinstance(clamped_start, tile.Value): delta_str = '{}-{}'.format(clamped_end_str, clamped_start_str) else: delta_str = str(clamped_end - clamped_start) if end > 0: out_dims[axis] = delta_str shape_dims[axis] = delta elif start - end > 0: out_dims[axis] = 'D{}+({})'.format(axis, delta_str) shape_dims[axis] += delta if start: in_idxs[axis] = 'd{}+{}'.format(axis, clamped_start_str) code = """ function (I[{in_dims}]) -> (O) {{ O[{out_idxs} : {out_dims}] = =(I[{in_idxs}]); }}""".format( in_dims=', '.join(in_dims), out_dims=', '.join(out_dims), in_idxs=', '.join(in_idxs), out_idxs=', '.join(out_idxs)) outshape = tile.Shape(data.shape.dtype, shape_dims)
super(SliceTensor, self).__init__(code, [('I', data)], [('O', outshape)]) slice_tensor = SliceTensor.function
[docs]class Softmax(tile.Operation): """ Implements a standard ML softmax. """ def __init__(self, data): if data.shape.ndims != 2: raise NotImplementedError( 'Softmax with a non-two-dimensional tensor is not currently implemented') code = """ function (I[X, Y]) -> (O) { O = builtin_softmax(I, X, Y); }"""
super(Softmax, self).__init__(code, [('I', data)], [('O', data.shape)])
[docs]def softmax(x, axis=None): if x.shape.ndims == 2: return Softmax.function(x) if axis is None: axis = 1 full_dims = x.shape.dims if axis == 0: group = 1 else: group = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, x.shape.dims[:axis]) if axis == len(x.shape.dims): values = 1 else: values = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, x.shape.dims[axis:]) flat_x = reshape(x, (group, values)) result = Softmax.function(flat_x)
return reshape(result, full_dims)
[docs]class Sqrt(tile.Operation): """ Computes the elementwise square root of a value. """ def __init__(self, x): super(Sqrt, self).__init__(""" function (I) -> (O) { IC = (I < 0 ? 0 : I); O = sqrt(IC);
}""", [('I', x)], [('O', x.shape)]) sqrt = Sqrt.function
[docs]def squeeze(x, axes): dims = [x.shape.dims[axis] for axis in range(x.shape.ndims) if axis not in axes]
return reshape(x, dims)
[docs]class Summation(tile.Operation): """ Sums an input value along some set of axes. """ def __init__(self, value, axes=None, keepdims=False, floatx=plaidml.DType.FLOAT32): if value.shape.dtype == plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN: value = cast(value, floatx) if axes is None: axes = list(range(value.shape.ndims)) dims, _, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(value.shape.dims, axes, keepdims) code = """ function (I[{src_ranges}]) -> (O) {{ O[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = +(I[{src_indices}]); }}""".format(**subs) super(Summation, self).__init__(code, [('I', value)],
[('O', tile.Shape(value.shape.dtype, dims))])
[docs]def summation(value, axes=None, keepdims=False, floatx=plaidml.DType.FLOAT32): if not value.shape.ndims: return value if isinstance(axes, (tuple, list)) and not len(axes): # We're taking the sum across an empty axis list. return value
return Summation.function(value, axes=axes, keepdims=keepdims, floatx=floatx)
[docs]def tanh(data): """Elementwise hyperbolic tangent."""
return tile.unary_op(data, 'tanh(I)', 'Tanh')
[docs]def unsqueeze(x, axes): src_idx = 0 dims = [] for axis in range(len(x.shape.dims) + len(axes)): if axis in axes: dims.append(1) else: dims.append(x.shape.dims[src_idx]) src_idx += 1
return reshape(x, dims)
[docs]class Variance(tile.Operation): def __init__(self, x, axes=None, keepdims=False, floatx=plaidml.DType.FLOAT32): # This closely follows the implementation of the mean method # This computes the *uncorrected* sample variance (i.e. denominator # = n rather than = n-1) to match tensorflow if x.shape.dtype == plaidml.DType.BOOLEAN: x = cast(x, floatx) if not x.shape.ndims: return x if axes == None: axes = list(range(x.shape.ndims)) shape, axes, subs = tile.compute_aggregation_axes(x.shape.dims, axes, keepdims) subs['prod_src_ranges'] = '*'.join(['X' + str(i) for i in axes]) subs['mean_ranges'] = ', '.join(['Y' + str(i) for i in range(x.shape.ndims)]) m = mean(x, axes, True, floatx) # TODO: Might be possible to write this more efficiently f = """ function (I[{src_ranges}], M[{mean_ranges}]) -> (O) {{ DIFF_SQ = (I - M) * (I - M); SUM[{dest_indices}{dest_sep}{dest_ranges}] = +(DIFF_SQ[{src_indices}]); O = SUM / ({prod_src_ranges}); }}""".format(**subs) super(Variance, self).__init__(f, [('I', x), ('M', m)],
[('O', tile.Shape(x.shape.dtype, shape))]) variance = Variance.function